
A graduate in Software Engineering from University of Kuala Lumpur who has a passion in design specifically in Web Design, Grapgic Design and UI/UX. Love to create a beautiful design of a product using Adobe Photoshop and build nice websites with HTML and CSS.


Phone Number (+60)13 - 8872661
Email/Skype abc123@gmail.com
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe
Dribbble dribbble.com/johndoe
Portfolio johndoe.github.io


  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) in Software Engineering

    University of Kuala Lumpur (MIIT)

    Sept 2016 - Dec 2019

  • Diploma in Electronic Engineering Computer

    University of Kansas

    June 2013 - April 2016


  • Internship as Web Designer

    Gruppe Technology Sdn. Bhd.

    July 2019 - Present

    • Design and build a website for Gruppe Sechs company using Photoshop, HTML, CSS and JS.

    • Design and vuild a website for Kaufman Cabs company using Photoshop, HTML, CSS and JS.

Area of Expertise

  • UI/UX Design
  • Web Design
  • Graphics Design


Basic Java, JavaScript
Novice PHP
Elementary CSS, VB.net, Premiere Pro
Intermediate HTML5, Photoshop, MySQL